If you're working out from home you'll need the following:

  1. A small bench or ottoman.
  2. Two (2) light weight dumbbells for upper body (5lbs-12 lbs each).
  3. Two (2) heavy weight dumbbells for lower body (20 lbs or heavier each).
  4. A set of glute bands, click this link for my brand https://darihananova.com/collections/glute-bands
  5. A set of long bands, click this link for my brand https://darihananova.com/collections/long-bands-1

If you're working out in a gym you'll need some additional items such as:

  1. A set of glute bands, click this link for my brand https://darihananova.com/collections/glute-bands
  2. A set of long bands, click this link for my brand https://darihananova.com/collections/long-bands-1
  3. A ankle strap for cable exercises and a barbell pad for heavy hip thrusts, click this link for my brand https://darihananova.com/collections/all